Language and its power to communicate thoughts and ideas has
been undervalued for centuries now – of course, like most other things that man
created to meet his needs. Little do we recognize the connection between our
urge to communicate and our psychology and personality development. Perhaps if
you give it a moment’s thought, the reason of your frustration may have been
your failure to ‘speak’ out your mind in a heated argument with, lets suppose,
your spouse?
of the first languages was Devanagiri, from which, languages like Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Bihari, Punjabi, Sindhi etc have been derived. It was since the 5th century that a formal understanding and structure pertaining to the grammar and semantic elements of language has been established. But the underlying challenge has been to understand its value, importance and use in every day life, which, I think, Man has continuously failed at.
One reason I cite is the need to comprehend the ethics of
communication – to speak, to listen and to analyze. And that’s where
COMMUNICATION doesn’t take place; and language loses its meaning. Isn’t that
one of the reasons why communities of people take to violence? To
establish a communication and the urge to be heard, which was not met through
use of language in civilized and acceptable ways? And these days, well,
violence is trying to do the communication.
Many that are symbols of development in the modern world
also indicate Man’s dwindling comprehension of language, communication and
their ethics. The Indian Parliament is perhaps the best example (quiet
shamefully, the MPs’ chappals also do the communication there!!!) as would
e-mails be. Like I said earlier, our urge to communicate has a direct
correlation with our psyche and personality. Just think, right now there’s so
much of noise around – because everyone wishes to speak first. How would it be
if we would be patient human beings and decide to listen to the other first? (Please be civlised in your use of language if you've been BLESSED with the opportunity to speak first)...
I guess, even our brain would be given some relaxation and it’s logic and
cognition area would be enjoying some exercise.
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